M.A. Field Faculty

East Asia

Nick Admussen

Associate Professor, Asian Studies
Contemporary Chinese literature, poetry and prose poetry
Associate Professor, Asian Studies
East Asian religions; Buddhism
Andrew Campana
Assistant Professor, Asian Studies
Japanese literature and media, game studies and disability studies
e-mail: [email protected]
Associate Professor, Government
International relations, Asian security, Chinese foreign policy, Chinese politics
Mara Yue Du
Assistant Professor, History
History of modern China (17th century - present) particularly law, gender and state-building
e-mail: [email protected]
Magnus Fiskesjo
Associate Professor, Anthropology
Chinese & SEA borderlands and indigenous peoples
e-mail: [email protected]
Eli Friedman
Associate Professor, Global Labor and Work
labor, urbanization and social movements in China and the East Asian Sinosphere
e-mail: [email protected]
Associate Professor, History
History and culture of premodern China
Associate Professor, Asian Studies
Japanese religions
Shaoling Ma
Associate Professor, Asian Studies
Sinophone and trans-Asian literature and media
e-mail: [email protected]

Robin McNeal
Associate Professor, Asian Studies
Chinese history, language, & literature
e-mail: [email protected]

Victor Nee
Professor, Sociology
Sociology - China
e-mail: [email protected]

Associate Professor, History of Art
Chinese art history
e-mail: [email protected]
Kristin Roebuck
Assistant Professor, History
Modern Japanese history, history of the body, medicine and law, race and sexuality, Japanese international relations
e-mail: [email protected]

Suyoung Son
Associate Professor, Asian Studies
Literary and cultural history of early modern China (1500-1900)
e-mail: [email protected]

Peidong Sun
Associate Professor, History
memory and the social history of the Cultural Revolution in China
e-mail: [email protected]
Jeremy Wallace
Associate Professor, Government
Authoritarianism, Chinese politics, urbanization, redistribution, and information
e-mail: [email protected]
Ding Xiang Warner (No longer accepting new students)
Professor, Asian Studies
Pre-modern China
Associate Professor, Government
Chinese politics and foreign policy; international relations of the Asia-Pacific
Professor, Linguistics
Japanese & Korean linguistics
Ivanna Sang Een Yi
Assistant Professor, Asian Studies
Korean literature and culture, Korean traditional music and performance
e-mail: [email protected]
John Zinda
Assistant Professor, Global Development
environmental protection and development efforts in rural China, focused on southwest
China, especially Yunnan
e-mail: [email protected]

South Asia

Professor, Asian Studies
South Asian religions; Buddhism in Sri Lanka and Southeast Asia; Pali and Sinhalese literature; religion, colonialism and nationalism; South Asian Islam.
Associate Professor, History of Art, Archaeology and Visual Studies
Modern art and intellectual history of South Asia; popular visual cultures of South Asia
Professor, History
Modern South Asian, gender, colonialism

Karim-Aly Kassam
Associate Professor, Natural Resources
Bio-cultural diversity, indigenous cultures & change, climate change & it's impacts, community economic development, gender analysis,and human ecology
e-mail: [email protected]

Neema Kudva
Associate Professor, City & Regional Planning
Institutional structures for equitable planning and development in South Asia
e-mail: [email protected]

Sarosh Kuruvilla
Professor, Industrial and Labor Relations
Economic development and industrial relations
e-mail: [email protected]

Larry McCrea
Professor, Asian Studies
Sanskrit, South Asian religious and intellectual history
e-mail: [email protected]


Associate Professor, Anthropology
Associate Professor, Anthropology / Feminist, Gender, & Sexuality Studies
Religious conversion in the context of the revival of Buddhism in South India

Southeast Asia

Christine Balance
Associate Professor, Performing & Media Arts
Performance, cinema and music in the Philippines
e-mail: [email protected]
Professor, City and Regional Planning
Urban poverty and community-based planning in Southeast Asia and Indonesia in particular
e-mail: [email protected]
Professor (Retired), Asian Studies
Thai politics; Thai literature; Southeast Asia area studies
Professor, Linguistics
Southeast Asian linguistics
Associate Professor, Anthropology
Chinese & SEA borderlands and indigenous peoples
Associate Professor, Asian Studies
History of Islam in Southeast Asia; contemporary expressions of Islam in Southeast Asia
Associate Professor, Asian Studies
Southeast Asian literature, religion, film and gender studies
Jenny Goldstein
Assistant Professor, Global Government
Environmental conservation and development; data infrastructure and land governance; global food and agriculture systems; financialization of land; role of scientific knowledge in climate change politics
e-mail: [email protected]
Professor, Industrial and Labor Relations
Economic development and industrial relations
Professor, History
Southeast Asian history
Shaoling Ma
Associate Professor, Asian Studies
Sinophone and trans-Asian literature and media
e-mail: [email protected]
Associate Professor, History of Art
Gender studies, colonialism, landscape, and the human body and material culture (Indonesia)
Christopher Miller
Senior Lecturer, Music; Director of the Cornell Gamelan Ensemble
Contemporary art music in Indonesia
e-mail: [email protected]
Juno Salazar ParreƱas
Assistant Professor, Science & Technology Studies; Feminist, Gender & Sexuality Studies
Human-animal relations, environmental issues, and efforts to institutionalize justice (Malaysia, Thailand)
e-mail: [email protected]
Professor, Government
Southeast Asian politics, comparative politics, international political economy, authoritarianism, Islam
Professor, History
Modern Southeast Asia

Marina Welker

Associate Professor, Anthropology
International development, NGOs, political economy of Southeast Asia
Professor, Anthropology
Southeast Asian anthropology
Professor, Development Sociology
Rural sociology - social change and gender relations